Magento 2 CMS Extensions

Improve your online store’s content management capabilities with top-rated Aheadworks extensions.

Magento 2 CMS Extensions

Top Content Management Extensions for your Magento Store

  • Customer Group Catalog Permissions
    Customer Group Catalog Permissions
    Guide customers through catalog by managing their permissions.
  • Product Downloads
    Product Downloads
    Increase cusomer retetention by offering free materials with product additional info.
  • Blog
    Drive organic traffic and boost sales by equipping your site with engaging blog content.
  • Rich Banner Slider
    Rich Banner Slider
    Create eye-catching banners to highlight promo campaigns and upcoming events in your store.
  • Minifier
    Design eye-catching content with the powerful drag-and-drop page minifier
  • Buildify
    Design eye-catching content with the powerful drag-and-drop page builder.
  • Product Questions
    Product Questions
    Increase conversion rates by facilitating customers to learn more about products by asking questions and getting answers right from
  • FAQ
    Enable customers to find necessary information in a matter of a few clicks.
  • Custom Static Blocks
    Custom Static Blocks
    Promote special offers with catchy banners or videos.

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