IQ Refinish

About The Project

It’s a Magento Community store enabling customers to browse and purchase products anywhere they go from their computer, tablet or mobile phone. They can shop for PB&E products and auto body supplies on their schedule!


Free Shipping Over Specific Offers

Free Shipping Over Specific Offers

Product Out-of-stock Notification

Product Out-of-stock Notification

Customer Rating and Reviews

Customer Rating and Reviews

Product Comparison

Product Comparison

Upselling/Cross-selling Option

Upselling/Cross-selling Option

Custom Shipping Methods

Custom Shipping Methods

MatrixRate Shipping

MatrixRate Shipping

PayPal Classic Checkout

PayPal Classic Checkout

Email Template Management

Email Template Management

Advanced Search

Advanced Search

Banners Slider Management

Banners Slider Management

Responsive Theme Implementation

Responsive Theme Implementation

Multi Currencies

Multi Currencies

Order Management

Order Management

Coupon Code

Coupon Code

Content Management

Content Management

Email Alert Option

Email Alert Option

Enhanced User Management/Security

Enhanced User Management/Security

Ecommerce Product Catalog Management

Ecommerce Product Catalog Management

Effective Navigational Structure

Effective Navigational Structure

CRON Scheduler

CRON Scheduler


New Relic

New Relic

Magic Zoom Plus

Magic Zoom Plus



Social Media Sharing

Social Media Sharing

Email Sharing

Email Sharing

Secure Submit Payment

Secure Submit Payment



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