‘WordPress app version 2.1 is now available for Android.’
The update brings several great new features and performance improvements in the application of popular blogging platform.
Sorting out the limitations that its previous versions had, the new release offers one tap access to creating posts, moderating comments, viewing stats, adding media content and more. The app is available to download for Android, Nook, and BlackBerry PlayBook devices.
WordPress 2.1 for Android Features
WordPress 2.1 for android operating system now makes blogging more engaging. Some notable features in this updated version are-

#1- Editing Comments
Now, users can easily edit the comments including name, email, comment content, URL and status. This feature is similar to the way users can edit comments within dashboard of WordPress.
#2- Post Auto-save
The app also added a feature of auto saving per 60 second during the editing of any post. A safeguard feature that ensures users can overwrite local changes to a post, before refreshing the posts list, is also available with the latest version.
#3- Resize Image Setting
Users can now set the width of linked image to whatever they would like. For activating this feature users can go on ‘Setting’ and then check ‘Upload and link to scaled image’ option.
#4- WordPress.com New Reader
The app offers a new reader view that allows users to read and follow their favorite blogs on WordPress.com. Other noteworthy features in this update are quick & simple navigation in between posts, commenting ability on favorite blogs or articles and a way to share posts to other apps on Android device.
#5- Other Changes
Apart from these excellent features, the latest version also has some other updates such as-
Changed App Icon
Reliability Improvements
Performance Enhancements
Small Updates to the UI